Purpose and Responsibilites/Activites
The purpose of the Liturgy Committee is to nourish and direct the liturgical and worship elements of the parish and to assist in the spiritual growth of all parishioners. Functions of the committee include the following:
- Identify the spiritual growth needs of parishioners.
- Provide opportunities for the spiritual growth of parishioners by days of renewal, small study/prayer groups, and other activities.
- Implement the liturgical guidelines of the universal and archdiocesan church.
Ministry Options
We encourage all to take part in the liturgies by actively participating in the sung responses and hymns. Our music goal is to have congregational music participation at all Sunday and Holy Day liturgies. The Sunday liturgies use song leaders, organists/pianists, instrumentalists, and various small ensembles to enhance the music. A bell choir is used for special occasions. If you feel you are called to the music ministry as a vocalist or instrumentalist, there are many opportunities to use your talents. Please contact the music director for more information.
The primary role of the lector is to proclaim the Word of God in the Scripture. The lector also reads the announcements before Mass. After appropriate training, lectors are scheduled at a Mass time of their preference.
Current Schedule
Lector Preparation Site
If you are interested in serving as a Lector, please click here to go to the contact page, then select Lector Ministry from the dropdown.
These volunteers arrive early for Mass to prepare the gifts of bread and wine. In addition, they make sure all liturgical roles are filled before Mass begins. They also serve as a liaison for the presiding priest and communicate any relevant information to other ministers.
Mass Coordinator Handbook
Current Schedule
If you are interested in serving as a Mass Coordinator, please click here to go to the contact page, then select Mass Coordinator Ministry from the dropdown.
Ushers greet parishioners and guests, distribute liturgy aids, assist in seating as necessary, collect the offering, distribute bulletins, and do some quick after Mass cleanup. Ushers are scheduled at a Mass time of their choosing.
If interested in becoming an usher, please click here to go to the contact page, then select Usher Ministry from the dropdown.
Click the links below for various usher guides.
Instructions for Ushers
Fire Building Evacuation
Shooter Response
Tornado Shelter
Appropriate parishioners are recommended to the Archbishop for approval as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, also commonly known as Eucharistic Ministers. After necessary preparation and training, Eucharistic Ministers assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and in ministry to the hospitalized, sick and homebound. Please see below. Ministry at Mass is scheduled at the the Mass time of their preference. For more information, please click here to go to the contact page, then select Extraordinary Minister Ministry from the dropdown.
EMHC Schedule and Active List
Hospital Visitation / Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Hospitalized
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers visit the hospital weekly. Please inform the parish office when a parishioner enters the local hospital or an out of town hospital. The hospitals do not contact the parish, nor do they always list people with their religious affiliation. In case of emergency, call the parish office. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who would like to serve in this ministry should likewise notify the parish office.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Homebound
Each week, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion take the Eucharist to persons who are unable to attend Mass or who are temporarily or permanently confined to their homes or nursing homes. Persons who desire such ministry should call the parish office or have someone call for them. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who would like to serve in this ministry should likewise call the parish office.
The role of the server is to assist the other ministers of the liturgy, especially the presider, so ceremonies proceed smoothly. Server functions include holding the book as the presider leads the community in prayer, and offering and returning various objects as they are needed in the worship service. Training sessions are scheduled periodically for new servers (fifth grade and older) and to enrich those currently serving in this ministry. If interested, please click here to go to the contact page, then select Altar Servers Ministry from the dropdown.
Hospitality Ministers welcome parishioners and guests before and after Mass in the Narthex, and coordinate the Welcoming Table. If you would like to join the Hospitality ministry, please click here to go to the contact page, then select Hospitality Ministry from the dropdown.
Please click here to view the meeting minutes.