Welcome to the St. Cecilia Community! As a family of about 4,500 (as of 2022), we have many events and resources available to you.
- Bereavement & Care Ministry
- Bereavement Forms
- Catholic Daughters of the Americas
- Catholic School Board
- CAYAC – Young Adults
- Christian Family Movement (CFM)
- Circles
- Coffee & Donuts
- Date Night
- Facilities Committee
- Faith & Friendship Parenting Group
- Faith Formation Commission
- Finance Council
- Food at First
- Funeral Luncheons
- Habitat for Humanity
- Home Ministry
- Hospital Ministry
- Knights of Columbus
- Liturgy Committee
- Meals Ministry
- Parish Life Committee
- Pastoral Council
- Playgroup
- Prison Ministry
- Rosary Makers
- Teams of Our Lady (TOOL)
- Parish Involvement Opportunities
- Welcoming Committee
Christmas Market Application