About Anointing of the Sick
You should consider presenting yourself for the sacrament if:
- You are scheduled to undergo major surgery or are scheduled or are undergoing major medical intervention such as chemotherapy.
- You have some form of chronic disease whose symptoms have noticeably increased.
- You have received a diagnosis of a serious or possibly terminal illness.
- You notice a significant decline in overall health and stamina due to increasing age.
- You suffer from some form of long-term or intense psychological or emotional illness.
Children who exhibit any of the above criteria may also be presented or present themselves as candidates for the sacrament.
This sacrament is not only a prayer for physical and/or emotional healing. It is also, along with the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a sacrament of the forgiveness of personal sin as evidenced in the sacramental formula, “May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up.”
Learn about Anointing of the Sick on the USCCB’s website. Please call the parish office to schedule an anointing.