
St. Cecilia Catholic Church is blessed with a beautiful and sacred space for its Prayer Garden and Columbarium located to the East of the church narthex. The Columbarium is an above-ground structure with 120 recessed areas, referred to as niches. Each niche is home to two urns with cremated human remains.

For our deceased parishioners, the columbarium offers a final resting place, on holy ground, completing the cycle from baptism to eternal life.  For loved ones, the location of the Columbarium in the St. Cecilia Prayer Garden provides easy access for visitation, reflection, and contemplation. The natural beauty and tranquility of its location enhances the experience of being in the presence of our Communion of Saints. 

The attached Columbarium Fact Sheet provides additional information about the St. Cecilia Columbarium.  Also attached are Rules and Regulations for the Columbarium, the Purchase Agreement and Certificate of Inurnment Rights. (click on each of the blue titles to get the corresponding attachment)

St. Cecilia formed a Columbarium Committee that is responsible for general oversight, sales, and placements within the Columbarium. If you would like to purchase a niche or would like to talk with someone about the Columbarium, contact the Columbarium Committee at

Annual Report

        Please click here to view the annual report.

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